1 Once upon a time, in the vibrant and bustling city of Mumbai, lived a young boy named Ajay. Ajay was a bright-eyed, curious soul, full of dreams and enthusiasm. His days began with the melodious call of street vendors, and the scent of spices wafting through the air. Ajay attended the bustling St. Mary's Primary School, a place where the walls echoed with laughter and the courtyard buzzed with the chatter of eager young minds. His uniform, neatly pressed, and his backpack slung over his shoulder, Ajay would set out on his daily adventure to quench his thirst for knowledge. St. Mary's was not just a school; it was a microcosm of the diverse Indian society. Students from various backgrounds, speaking different languages, and celebrating numerous festivals came together under one roof. The classrooms were adorned with colorful charts depicting India's rich history, and the corridors echoed with the rhythm of patriotic songs during assembly. Ajay's favorite spot was the ...